What is the customer service number for the complaint and through what are the Kredit Pintar Complaints Lines?
You can address your complaints through several provided complaint lines, such as:
1. Call center / phone. You can reach us at (021) 5059-8882 to address the complaints. This telephone number can be found easily in the website or app. The official hour to address your complaints in this phone number is during 08.00 A.M - 22.00 P.M GMT +7 daily.
2. Email You can submit your complaints through our email address at
[email protected] 3. Social Media You can also reach one of these Kredit Pintar social media below:
IG:@kreditpintar FB:@kreditpintar Twitter: @kreditpintar 4. Live Chat
You can utilize dhat feature in Kredit Pintar application.